
3 Things You Must Never (Ever!) Do In a Medical Crisis Free-PDF

"As a Vietnam combat medic, I found Survival MD right up there with U.S. Army training". David Endsley


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Here's a Glimpse of What's Inside
Survival MD:

How to Care for Chronic Disease in A Crisis


Including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular illness, inflammation, MS, arthritis, COPD, stroke, dementia, and more. All of which remain the WORST killers in a disaster. EVEN in areas ravaged by other threats.


In big part because people can't get the meds they need. And even though these meds also last for FAR longer than you'd think...

One reason 90% of drugs now used by the US military are “expired”, following a massive multimillion-dollar trial.

A simple trick that could also save you $1,000 a year. On average. Once you know how...

Stop Bleeding in Seconds!


Anywhere on the body. Even on a sucking chest wound. REMEMBER: most victims bleed out in just 3 minutes, on average. Making every second count.

How to Treat or Prevent a Killer Infection...


That affects up to half of all victims in a catastrophe. Inflicting death, lifelong disability, or disfigurement — which occurs when wounds don't properly heal. Something 6.5 million Americans currently suffer from… Especially if you're in an at-risk group. Like the elderly, if you're a little overweight, or spend a lot of your day sitting down..

Legally Stockpile Stacks of Antibiotics, Painkillers, and Meds...


Even without refrigeration. That way, you won't run out, or accidentally hurt someone you love. Including a complete list of every medication you'll need — for pain relief, gastrointestinal problems, skin health, psychotropic issues, and more. Plus, those which are safe for children…

The Simple Way to Stitch a Cut


Plus, when you should NEVER (ever!) let a wound "breathe" — and when you MUST. Like for an animal bite. UNLESS it's in one of three places on your body… How big a cut should be before you get stitches... and when getting stitches TOO SOON will cause a nasty scar.

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